Performance Social

Get more out of every ad with Pencil AI
No credit card required.

Get started to double your ad success.

Pencil features for performance social

Rapid A/B Testing:

Easily test multiple ad variations to identify the best performing creatives.

Tailored Campaigns:

Build customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases with personalised ads.

Smart Targeting:

Only show ads to your ideal target audience to make the most of your social budget.

Launch Ads Directly into Social Channels:

Quickly launch new campaigns, and respond to trends across social.

The smart way to do performance social

Maximise engagement:

Optimise and personalise ads for maximum engagement.

Prevent ad fatigue:

Generate multiple ad variations and rotate creatives to keep content fresh for your audience.

Optimise for conversion:

Pencil helps you design creatives to drive specific actions, so your social ads aren't just seen - they actually convert.

”Pencil has been a game changer for us. It’s helped us generate some of our best ever Facebook creative. The team kicks ass too.”

James Harding
Head of Growth, Lyka Pet Food

Trusted by 5,000+ brands and agencies, generating 1,000,000+ AI ad creatives

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”Pencil has been a game changer for us. It’s helped us generate some of our best ever Facebook creative. The team kicks ass too.”

James Harding
Head of Growth, Lyka Pet Food